Estiércol procesado: el primer producto derivado que se añade a la lista CMC 10 dentro del FPR

July 24, 2024

El Organismo Notificado CerTrust Ltd. presentó la semana pasada un interesante seminario web sobre el último Reglamento Delegado (UE) 2024/1682 de la Comisión, que modifica el Reglamento sobre productos fertilizantes de la UE [FPR] (UE) 2019/1009 y permite que el estiércol procesado se convierta en un material componente para productos fertilizantes […]


Evolución de los biocidas en la UE: una perspectiva irlandesa

July 1, 2024

En el Simposio sobre Biocidas de Dublín 2024, el Dr. Mervyn Parr, Director de Riesgos de la División de Registro y Control de Plaguicidas (PRCD) de Irlanda, ofreció una actualización sobre el estado de los biocidas en la UE y los avances en curso desde una perspectiva irlandesa.El Reglamento (UE) nº […]


Actualización de la normativa sobre biocidas en GB

En el Simposio de Biocidas de Dublín 2024, Zameer Bhunnoo, Asesor de Política de Biocidas del Health and Safety Executive (HSE) del Reino Unido, habló de los principales avances normativos en el Reino Unido y de la futura reforma del Reglamento de Biocidas del Reino Unido. La HSE propone realizar actualizaciones […]


Ampliación del programa de revisión de sustancias activas biocidas

June 5, 2024

La modificación del Reglamento sobre biocidas (RBP) (UE) nº 528/2012 relativa a una nueva prórroga de la duración del programa de trabajo para el examen sistemático de todas las sustancias activas biocidas existentes («el programa de revisión») hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2030 ya se ha publicado en el Diario […]


Propuesta de Defra para REACH en el Reino Unido

May 27, 2024

El 16 de mayo de 2024, el Departamento de Medio Ambiente, Alimentación y Asuntos Rurales (Defra) ha publicado las propuestas más esperadas para su modelo de registro transitorio alternativo (ATRm) para REACH en el Reino Unido, en un movimiento que tiene como objetivo aclarar su dirección política para el controvertido reglamento. […]


Biocidas generados in situ (ozono)

May 22, 2024

Kerona Scientific tuvo el placer de acoger a Mike Prince de la Asociación Europea de Comercio de Ozono Ltd., Reino Unido como ponente en el Simposio de Biocidas de Dublín en marzo de 2024. Mike dio una actualización detallada de la situación de los biocidas generados in situ, como el ozono, […]


Orientaciones, fichas informativas, documentos finales de la AC… navegue con todos estos documentos – Dr. Boris Van Berlo

May 15, 2024

Kerona Scientific tuvo el placer de acoger al Dr. Boris Van Berlo de Biocidas para Europa (CEFIC) como ponente en el Simposio de Biocidas de Dublín en marzo de 2024. El Dr. Boris dio una explicación detallada de cómo navegar a través de la diferente documentación y páginas web de biocidas […]


Pruebas de eficacia de los conservantes (PT7, PT9) – Retos y objetivos

April 29, 2024

Durante el Simposio de Biocidas de Dublín 2024, celebrado en marzo, Trine Østergaard Jensen, Berit Lindegaard y el Dr. Jonas Stenbæk, del Instituto Tecnológico Danés (DTI), hicieron una presentación sobre los retos y objetivos de las pruebas de eficacia de los conservantes (PT7 y PT9). El DTI realiza varias pruebas acreditadas, […]


Artículos tratados de la BPR en primer plano

April 22, 2024

Durante el Simposio sobre Biocidas de Dublín 2024, celebrado en marzo, Hazel O’Keefe, socia del bufete de abogados Keller & Heckman de Bruselas, habló sobre la situación actual de los artículos tratados según el artículo 58 del Reglamento (UE) nº 528/2012 sobre biocidas. Un artículo tratado se define como cualquier sustancia, […]


17º Simposio de Sanidad Vegetal en Sevilla

April 17, 2024

Kerona Scientific atendió al 17º Simposio de Sanidad Vegetal que tuvo lugar los días 13, 14 y 15 de Marzo en Sevilla.  Durante estos tres días, representantes de la administración comunitaria europea, estatal y regional, así como expertos, científicos y técnicos profesionales del sector fitosanitario y fertilizante atendieron a este evento.  […]


Kerona asistirá a PestEx

March 12, 2024

Greg O’Brien y la Dra. Chrysoula Pateraki de Kerona Scientific están deseando asistir a PestEx, la feria de gestión de plagas de la BPCA que se celebrará en Londres los días 13 y 14 de marzo de 2024. PestEx es la mayor feria y conferencia del Reino Unido para la gestión […]


Comentarios de la industria sobre el Reglamento (CE) nº 1107/2009 relativo a los productos fitosanitarios

March 11, 2024

En el Simposio sobre productos fitosanitarios que se celebrará en Dublín en noviembre de 2023, Bart Vanhoof, de UPL (Países Bajos), compartió su opinión sobre las experiencias del sector con el Reglamento (CE) nº 1107/2009 sobre productos fitosanitarios. Junto con el Reglamento 1107/2009 hay varias legislaciones asociadas, como el Reglamento sobre […]


El camino a seguir en la UE para los coformulantes en productos fitosanitarios

February 22, 2024

En el Simposio sobre protección fitosanitaria que se celebrará en Dublín en noviembre de 2023, la Dra. Maristella Rubbiani, responsable de políticas de la Dirección General de Salud y Seguridad Alimentaria de la Comisión Europea, habló sobre el camino a seguir en la UE en relación con los coformulantes en los […]


Expocida Iberia Madrid 2024

February 8, 2024

La Dra. Irene McGrath y Luis Fresco Dorrio de Kerona Scientific están deseando asistir a Expocida en Madrid los días 15 y 16 de febrero de 2024. Se trata de uno de los eventos más importantes del sector de Control de Plagas y Sanidad Ambiental, que se celebrará en el Pabellón […]


Información actualizada del Presidente del Comité Directivo de la Zona Central

January 31, 2024

Monika Pawlowicz, del Ministerio polaco, intervino en el 4º Simposio sobre fitosanitarios (PPP) de Dublín de Kerona Scientific en noviembre de 2023. Polonia presidió el Comité Directivo de la Zona Central (CZSC) en 2023, y Monika es la coordinadora del equipo responsable de la gestión de riesgos y la decisión reglamentaria […]


ADBAC aprobado como biocida para PT2 en la UE

January 24, 2024

Nos complace anunciar que el cloruro de alquil (C12-16) dimetilbencil amonio (ADBAC/BKC (C12-C16)) ha sido aprobado como sustancia activa para su uso en biocidas del tipo de producto 2 (desinfectantes y algicidas no destinados a la aplicación directa a personas o animales) en la Unión Europea. La aprobación se publicó en […]


Información actualizada del Presidente del Comité Directivo de la Zona Sur

En el Simposio de Kerona sobre productos fitosanitarios celebrado en Dublín en noviembre de 2023, dimos la bienvenida a la Dra. Danae Pitarokili, Presidenta del Comité Directivo de los Estados Miembros del Sur (SMS) y Jefa del Departamento de Productos Fitosanitarios del Ministerio Helénico de Desarrollo Rural y Alimentación en Atenas. […]


Información actualizada sobre el registro de fitosanitarios en GB

Kerona Scientific tuvo el placer de acoger a Darren Flynn, de la División de Regulación Química (CRD) del Reino Unido, como ponente en el Simposio de Productos Fitosanitarios de Dublín en noviembre de 2023. Darren ofreció una actualización detallada sobre el registro de productos fitosanitarios (PPP) en el Reino Unido, incluida […]


Las nuevas directrices de la EFSA sobre aves y mamíferos

November 29, 2023

El 21 de noviembre, durante el Simposio de Protección Vegetal de Dublín 2023, el Dr. Gabe Weyman, consultor independiente con amplia experiencia en ecotoxicología reglamentaria, habló sobre las nuevas directrices de la EFSA para aves y mamíferos. Las directrices ecotoxicológicas se actualizan continuamente con requisitos cada vez mayores que las hacen […]


Annual Biocontrol Industry Meeting

November 2, 2023

Catherine Al-Haddad y Evangelia Chatzaki de Kerona Scientific asistieron a la Reunión Anual de la Industria del Biocontrol (ABIM) del 23 al 25 de octubre de 2023 en Basilea, Suiza. Asistieron expositores y ponentes de todo el mundo, en representación tanto de la industria como de los organismos reguladores. Se trata […]


Experiencia con el marcado CE de bioestimulantes vegetales en el marco del FPR

October 24, 2023

La Dra. Ildikó Varga y Júlia Ferenczi, expertas en bioestimulantes vegetales del Organismo Notificado CerTrust 2806, intervinieron en el reciente Simposio de Dublín sobre FPR, compartiendo su experiencia con el Marcado CE de bioestimulantes vegetales bajo el Reglamento de Productos Fertilizantes (UE) 2019/2009 (el FPR). Existen algunos casos límite entre el […]


Perspectiva de los bioestimulantes vegetales desde el punto de vista de la FPR

El 28 de septiembre de 2023, Kerona Scientific celebró su primer Simposio FPR en Dublín, en el que se trataron aspectos normativos clave relevantes para el registro de productos bajo el Reglamento de Productos Fertilizantes (FPR, Reglamento (UE) 2019/1009). Neal Sanders, Director de Operaciones de IntraCrop Ltd, Reino Unido, presentó su […]


Pruebas de eficacia de bioestimulantes

Las pruebas de eficacia de bioestimulantes se analizaron en el primer Simposio de Kerona sobre el Reglamento de Productos Fertilizantes (FPR, Reglamento (UE) 2019/1009), celebrado en Dublín el 28 de septiembre de 2023. De hecho, la plétora de preguntas recibidas de los asistentes mostró que hay mucha incertidumbre en torno a […]


Fruit Attraction 2023

El pasado 3 y 4 de octubre Dr Irene McGrath y Diego Medina asistieron a la quinceava edición de Fruit Attraction en Madrid. Fruit Attraction es la principal feria de la fruta y la verdura en España y se trata de uno de los mayores eventos del sector a nivel europeo […]


Fruit Attraction 2023

September 27, 2023

La Dra. Irene McGrath y Diego Medina Collado de Kerona Scientific asistirán a Fruit Attraction en Madrid del 3 al 5 de octubre de 2023. En su 15º Aniversario, Fruit Attraction reunirá a más de 90.000 delegados de 135 países en busca de las últimas tendencias de la industria hortofrutícola. Póngase […]


The Kerona Team is Expanding

May 11, 2022

We are delighted to announce that three new team members have joined the Kerona Scientific team in Ireland and in Spain. Lisa Gleichmann and Oisin Kearns have joined the team in Dublin. Lisa has a BAgrSc in Agricultural Science from University College Dublin and a Masters degree (MAgrSc) also from UCD. […]


An Irish Perspective on the EU Biocide Regulation

May 3, 2022

In February, Kerona Scientific hosted a two-day virtual Biocides Symposium. Donal Lynch, Head of Biocides Registrations at the Pesticide Registration and Control Divisions (PRCD) in Ireland, opened the symposium with a presentation that explained how the EU biocide regulations have developed historically, how the Irish Department of Agriculture has internally adapted […]


Update from the Ctgb

April 26, 2022

At the Dublin Biocides Symposium in February 2022, Dr. Cindy van der Meer, Account Manager for the Dutch Board for the Authorization of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb), gave an interesting presentation covering updates from the Ctgb on Regulatory Aspects. Five years ago, the Ctgb became popular as a choice […]


Endocrine Disruption for PPPs – FREE Webinar

April 12, 2022

Catherine Alhaddad, Senior Regulatory Consultant at Kerona Scientific, presented a webinar organised by CHCS (Chemical Hazards Communication Society) about the regulation of endocrine disruptors in the European Union (EU). Catherine spoke about practical implications for stakeholders in the EU dealing with substances and products that need to undergo assessment for potential […]


Biocide Opportunities and Challenges from an Industry Perspective

March 29, 2022

At the recent Dublin Biocide Symposium organised by Kerona Scientific, Dr. Helena Gräf, Head of Biocide Regulatory Affairs at Ecolab in Germany, gave a presentation on “Biocide Opportunities and Challenges from an Industry Perspective”. Dr. Gräf started with an overview of the aims of the Biocidal Products Regulation – harmonisation to […]


Experiences with In-Situ Active Chlorine

March 22, 2022

In February 2022, Kerona Scientific organised the Dublin Biocide Symposium with many interesting presentations from various representatives from Industry and Ministries. Nick Meakin, CEO at Aqualution Systems, brought a fascinating presentation on “Experiences with In-Situ Active Chlorine”. Active chlorine is an in situ active substance (i.e., it is generated at the point […]


Regulation of Biocides in the UK – Update from the HSE

March 15, 2022

At Kerona Scientific’s virtual Biocides Symposium in February, Dr Nicola Gregg, Head of Biocides Operational Policy at HSE UK, spoke about the new Biocidal Products Regulation in Great Britain. The new GB regime reflects the framework of the EU BPR, but the two systems operate independently. Since the UK exited the […]


Current Activities of the Biocidal Products Committee (BPC) and Updated BPR Vademecum

March 8, 2022

The Biocidal Products Committee (BPC) is responsible for preparing the opinions of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) on several issues, including the approval of active substances and Union Authorisations of biocidal products. At Kerona Scientific’s virtual Biocides Symposium, held in February this year, BPC chair Erik van de Plassche spoke about […]


Phys-Chem and Storage Stability Testing for Biocidal Products

March 1, 2022

At the recent Dublin Biocides Symposium organised by Kerona Scientifc, David Norris, owner of DNAL (David Norris Laboratories in the UK) gave a presentation on Phys-Chem and Storage Stability Testing for Biocidal Products. Storage stability testing includes physical tests and active substance analysis, to ensure that the product is still useful […]


Approval of Microbial Active Substances

February 22, 2022

At Kerona’s 2021 Dublin PPP Symposium, Agata Jakubowska of Applied Insect Science (APIS) gave a helpful overview of new developments in the approval of microbial active substances under the PPP Regulation. Microorganisms are one of several categories of biopesticides, along with natural substances, semiochemicals and beneficial organisms. The presentation began with […]


EFSA Processes – Peer Review and MRL Aspects

February 15, 2022

At the 2021 Dublin Plant Protection Symposium, Dr Dimitra Kardassi and Alessia Verani of EFSA, gave a presentation on various new aspects of the EFSA peer review. To start with, the four pillars of the Transparency Regulation 2019/1381, which is applicable for new dossiers and applications submitted on or after 27th […]


EU Biopesticide Registration

February 8, 2022

Kerona’s virtual symposium ‘Innovation in the EU Regulation of Plant Protection Products’ was concluded with a very interesting presentation by Dr Mike Carroll from Eden Research on the registration of biopesticides in the EU under Regulation 1107/2009. The global picture of biopesticide regulations is mixed: there is specific legislation in some […]


Status of the Regulation 1107/2009 – Current Challenges and Opportunities

January 25, 2022

At the 2021 Dublin Plant Protection Symposium, Laurent Oger, Director for Regulatory Affairs at CropLife Europe, spoke about the “Status of the Regulation 1107/2009 – Current Challenges and Opportunities” He started by describing the main issues currently going on with regulation 1107/2009: problems with the zonal system, the ability of authorities […]


The Kerona team is expanding

January 20, 2022

We are delighted to announce that Eimear Deery has joined the Kerona Scientific team in Ireland. Eimear joined Kerona after graduating from University College Dublin with a BSc in Agri-Environmental Sciences. At Kerona, Eimear prepares product dossiers and risk assessments for biocides and plant protection products, from national biocide applications under […]


BVL Applicants’ Conference 2021

January 13, 2022

In November 2021, Kerona Scientific attended the Applicants’ Conference 2021 organized by the German Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) and received first-hand information about the latest developments in the field of plant protection product approval in Germany. Since 2017, the BVL has been undergoing a reorganization, which […]


Southern Zone Steering Committee – An Update

January 11, 2022

At the Dublin Plant Protection Symposium in December 2021 Natalia Nogueira de Diego spoke on “Updates from the Southern Zone”. Natalia is the Head of the Spanish Plant Protection Products Register in the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fish (MAPA). Spain has just started chairing the Southern Member State Steering Committee […]


Central Zone Steering Committee – An Update

December 14, 2021

At the 2021 Dublin PPP Symposium, Sadhbh O’Dwyer from the Pesticides Registration and Control Division (PRCD) of the Irish Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine spoke about “Updates from the Central Zone”. Ireland is currently chairing the Central Zone Steering Committee (CZSC), and Sadhbh represents Ireland at their meetings. Sadhbh […]


Patent Searching

December 7, 2021

At the 2021 Dublin Plant Protection Symposium, Dr Nigel Uttley of Enigma Marketing Research gave a presentation titled “Patent searching for generic agrochemical companies”. Patent data are essential for generic companies, so they can know when it’s possible to enter the market. As Dr Uttley noted, some 42 major commercial active […]


Dublin Plant Protection Symposium

November 23, 2021

The virtual symposium with live presentations hosted by Kerona Scientific will be held  Tuesday 30th November and Wednesday 1st December 2021 (09:00h to 12:00h GMT/10:00h-13:00h CET). The theme of the programme ‘Innovation in the EU Regulation of Plant Protection Products’ was chosen after taking into account feedback from last year’s attendees […]


The Kerona team is expanding

November 3, 2021

We are delighted to announce that Amanda Araujo de França has joined the Kerona Scientific team in Ireland. Amanda has a Master’s degree in Chemistry from University of Paraná in Brazil and a Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Engineering from University of Viçosa in Brazil. She is currently completing her PhD dissertation […]


Upcoming PPP Training Webinars

October 27, 2021

Kerona has been delivering training courses for many years, ranging from webinars and workshops to bespoke training delivered either remotely or in person. Our courses are tailored to the biocides and plant protection industries, with a series of modules designed to provide an overview of the regulatory environment. This week we […]


FPR Amendments

October 18, 2021

The first amendment to the new Fertilising Products Regulation (FPR) has been introduced. The FPR, Regulation (EU) No. 2019/1009 will completely replace the older fertilisers regulation (Regulation (EC) No. 2003/2003) from 16 July 2022. Fertilising products that meet the harmonised requirements laid down in the FPR can receive the CE mark […]


Upcoming ACE (AgroChemEx) in Shanghai 11th to 13th October and FREE webinar 21st October 2021

September 28, 2021

Due to the difficulties with international travel during the global pandemic Kerona Scientific will not be able to attend the ACE in Shanghai in person this year. We would like to meet with you to discuss your regulatory needs for product registrations in Europe and we are offering to meet you […]


ADBAC and DDAC: approvals for biocidal active substances are approaching

September 22, 2021

Producers of disinfectant products containing the active substances commonly known as ADBAC/BKC and DDAC should be getting ready to meet the requirements of the EU Biocidal Products Regulation. An approval date of 1st November 2022 has been set for both ADBAC/BKC (Alkyl (C12-16) dimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride, or benzalkonium chloride) and DDAC […]


Experiences with Comparative Assessment

September 14, 2021

Under Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2009, if an active substance in a plant protection product has been listed as a Candidate for Substitution (CfS), then a comparative assessment (CA) is necessary for product authorisation. At Kerona Scientific’s virtual Dublin Plant Protection Symposium, held in December 2020, Guy Gibson of consultancy service Enhanced […]


Biocidal Products Committee and updated BPR Vademecum

September 8, 2021

The Biocidal Products Committee (BPC) is responsible for preparing the opinions of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) on several issues, including approval of active substances and Union authorisation of biocidal products. At Kerona Scientific’s virtual Biocides Symposium, held in March this year, BPC chair Erik van de Plassche spoke about the […]


Kerona Scientific expands in Spain

September 1, 2021

We are delighted to announce that Diego López Arias is joining the Kerona Scientific team based in Spain. Diego joins Kerona having worked for 3 years as a risk assessor and regulatory toxicologist with Tragsatec where he worked closely with the Spanish Ministry for Health and European authorities such as EFSA […]


Updates from the UK – Biocides

July 14, 2021

New guidance available for accessing the Northern Ireland Biocide market The Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) website has been updated to outline changes to processes and explain how the EU Biocidal Products Regulations (EU BPR) regulations continue to apply in Northern Ireland. If you wish to make biocidal products or treated […]


GB Biocidal Products Regulations – Resubmission deadline approaching

June 21, 2021

Applications for product authorisation and active substance approval need to be resubmitted to the HSE by 29 June 2021. From 1 January 2021 applications for product authorisation and active substance approval are being evaluated under the GB Biocidal Products Regulations. As the HSE no longer has access to EU IT systems, […]


Working within the framework of the BPR from an industry and consultancy perspective.

June 3, 2021

At the recent Dublin Biocide Symposium, several presenters gave their experiences of working within the framework of the BPR from an industry and consultancy perspective. Mike McGrath, Managing Director of Necon Technologies Ltd., Ireland finds the BPR a “torture” as it is very complex and technically dense. He explained that while […]


Update of SANCO guidance document on zonal evaluations (SANCO/13169/2010)

April 19, 2021

A major update to the SANCO guidance document on zonal evaluation, mutual recognition, withdrawal and amendment of authorisations under Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 (SANCO/13169/2010 Rev. 11) was published on 25 January 2021. This guidance document was last updated in 2010 and the latest version is a major revision which applies to […]


Copy of presentations by the PRCD at the Dublin Biocides Symposium, Ireland

April 7, 2021

The Pesticide Registration and Control Division (PRCD) in Ireland held an excellent Industry Symposium on Biocidal Products in March 2020, which included a mini-workshop to explain the biocide notification process, requirements and common pitfalls to avoid. The presentations from this Symposium are still available on the PRCD website and are a […]


Status of zonal authorisations in the Central Zone

March 18, 2021

At the virtual Dublin Plant Protection Symposium held on 1-2 December 2020, Dr. Katja Bidovec, Head of the Plant Protection Products Sector at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food in Slovenia, presented the status of zonal authorisations in the Central Zone. Dr. Bidovec opened her presentation by describing the plans […]



March 1, 2021

On December 1st – 2nd 2020, Kerona Scientific held their first PPP symposium dealing with key regulatory aspects relevant to the registration of products and active substances under Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009. Most of the first day of the symposium was focused on the zonal authorisation processes in the three different […]


Poisons Centre Notification (PCN)

February 12, 2021

New Obligations for Biocides Registrations in Ireland for hazardous products from 1st January 2021 From 1st January 2021 poison centre notifications for mixtures for consumer use or professional use must be submitted to the ECHA submission portal. The Poisons Centre Notification (PCN) format and tools, along with Q&A’s are available on […]


Dublin Biocide Symposium – Tuesday 23rd – Wednesday 24th March 2021. Early bird discount now available.

January 28, 2021

The PRCD in Ireland organised a very successful Industry Symposium on Biocidal Products in March 2020.  Following on from this Symposium, Kerona Scientific Ltd. is delighted to announce that this year we will be organising a virtual Dublin Biocide Symposium on Tuesday 23rd – Wednesday 24th March 2021 with contributions from […]


Biocide Training Webinars February-March 2021

January 14, 2021

Kerona has been delivering training courses for many years, ranging from webinars and workshops to bespoke training delivered either remotely or in person. Our courses are tailored to the biocides and plant protection industries, with a series of modules designed to provide an overview of the regulatory environment.   We are […]


PPP Regulation in Great Britain and Northern Ireland after the Brexit transition period

December 23, 2020

Kerona Scientific held a very successful Plant Protection Symposium on 1-2 December 2020, with a range of speakers represented from UK and EU Ministries, Consultancies and Industry.   Darren Flynn of the UK CRD (HSE) presented an update from the UK with respect to changes in . Darren noted that the […]


CLP Desktop Companion – 2nd edition

November 17, 2020

The updated 2nd edition of Kerona Scientific’s CLP Desktop Companion is now available. This 160-page booklet is designed to be a handy reference to the key aspects of the CLP Regulation, (EC) No 1272/2008. The published Regulation, which addresses the classification, labelling and packaging requirements for chemical mixtures, runs to an unwieldy […]


Dublin Plant Protection Symposium: Tuesday 1st – Wednesday 2nd December 2020

October 23, 2020

Unique Opportunity to hear from and interact with industry and regulatory experts • Virtual Conference • Tuesday 1st – Wednesday 2nd December 2020 (10:00 -13:00) • Registration fee  €240 which includes full access and participation at the virtual conference and access to the video recordings after the event • Save 10%  […]


Agri Business Global Trade Summit (21-25 September).

September 17, 2020

Kerona Scientific are delighted to announce our participation in this year’s Agri Business Global Trade Summit (21-25 September). The Trade Summit online business platform will allow us to connect with you during Advance Week (14-20 September) and during Continued Engagement (21 September – 23 October). If you would like to arrange […]


Plant pest story maps from EFSA

August 4, 2020

EFSA is making its plant pest survey cards available in an easy-to-use, interactive format. The cards are designed to help EU Member States to plan their annual surveys of quarantine pests to current international standards. They contain vital information such as the pest’s host range, distribution, biology and risk factors, as […]


Article 95 of the Biocidal Products Regulation

July 14, 2020

Kerona has had many queries recently regarding Article 95 access under the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR, (EU) No. 528/2012). Many companies have requested assistance to be included in the Article 95 list of biocidal substance and product suppliers. What is the Article 95 list? Article 95 of the BPR requires that […]


Biocides and Brexit

July 1, 2020

The European Commission has issued a new notice to stakeholders regarding how the UK’s withdrawal from the EU will affect the field of biocidal products. Although the UK withdrew from the EU in February, EU law, including the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR, Regulation (EU) No 528/2012), still applies to the UK […]


Poison centre notification

June 15, 2020

A large number of products that contain chemical mixtures are placed on the EU market and used by the general public and professionals in their everyday lives and working environments. Generally, chemical products are considered to be safe if their use instructions are followed. However, inappropriate use or accidents can cause […]



June 8, 2020

Structure-activity relationship (SAR) and quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) models, collectively referred to as (Q)SARs, are mathematical models that can be used to predict the properties of compounds based on knowledge of their chemical structure. The basic principle of (Q)SARs is that chemical substances that are structurally similar will have similar properties, which […]


Biocidal product risk assessments

June 2, 2020

We are often asked whether a similar approach can be taken to conducting a risk assessment for a Biocidal product as for a plant protection product. The first observation we would make is that biocidal product risk assessments have a high variability in approach in contrast to the generally more harmonised […]


Bee risk assessments under the new EFSA guidance for cereal crops

May 25, 2020

The traditional risk assessment for Plant Protection Products (PPP) in the EU focused only on the acute effects on honey bees. A new EFSA guidance has been developed, which covers more risk scenarios, and also considers bumble bees and solitary bees. Dr Neus Rodriguez- Sanchez, of Kerona Scientific,  presented a poster […]